真是一个难题. 少女盘腿坐在地上。 天光大亮。 她看着膝盖上笑意淡淡的男生。 突然开了口。 “hello, everyone. today, i’m gonna to talk one of my best friends” 任修维挑挑眉,示意她继续。 墨发散在额间,眼睛特别好看。 就像她说的那样。 “he is a very kind boy” 他是一个心地善良的男生 “with a pair of balck, blazing and gorgeous eyes,which are so deep as the sea” 黑眸,眼睛特别好看,就像深深的海 少年靠着窗,唇角微勾,璀璨眼里有清晰的笑意。 然后换了个姿势,背对着身后千幢灯火。 “everybody says that he is so cute, especially when he □□iles” 大家都说,他笑起来的时候,是他最好看的时候。 “there seems to be a milky way in his eye.” 眼里好像藏着一道银河 “but it is so pity that” 但是很可惜 “he doesn’t like to show his simle at most time” 大多数时候,他都不怎么笑 “he is so intelligent.” 他很聪明 “seldom cracked his textbook and even never reviewed before the exam ” 不怎么看书,也从来不复习 “but, always got the highest score” 但是考试的时候还是能考得特别好 “actually, i adored his talent very much.” 我很崇拜他呀 “and i know, he is definitely one of my best friends.” 他是我最好的朋友之一 “although there is a sad but unchangable fact that we are far apart now” 虽然比较悲伤的是,我们现在隔的有点远 “not that mattered though,”m.mMCZx.coM