04 左邻右舍 结识新邻 dialogue a new neighbor moves in yesterday. susan decides to visit her today. 昨天刚搬来一个新邻居。苏珊决定今天去拜访一下。 susan: hi, i'm your neighbor. my name is susan. 苏珊:嗨,我是你的邻居,我叫苏珊。 julie: hi, susan. i'm julie. nice to meet you. 朱莉:嗨,苏珊。我是朱莉。很高兴见到你。 susan: nice to meet you, too. 苏珊:我也非常高兴见到你。 julie: please come in. i just moved into the neighborhood yesterday. 朱莉:请进。我昨天刚搬过来的。 susan: welcome to the neighborhood. i didn't realize that this house was bought so quickly. my last neighbor moved out a short time ago. 苏珊:欢迎你!我还没意识到这个房子这么快已经被转手了。我的上一个邻居前不久刚搬走。 julie: i saw the house and just fell in love with it. it was impossible to pass up. 朱莉:我一看到这个房子就喜欢上了,不容错过。 susan: i'm living next door, if you need any help or anything, please come to me. 苏珊:我就住在隔壁,如果你需要任何东西或帮助,都可以来找我。 julie: that's good. it's so kind of you. by the way, is there any supermarket in our neighborhood? 朱莉:太好了,你真好。顺便问一下,我们社区里有超市吗? susan: of course. there is a large shopping plaza near the neighborhood. i just need to buy something, so we can go together. 苏珊:当然有了,在我们社区附近有个超大的购物广场。我正好需要买些东西,一块去吧。 julie: great! let's go. 朱莉:太棒了!走吧。 notes 1. move out 搬出 2. a short time ago 不久以前 3. pass up 放过(机会);放弃;拒绝 4. next door 隔壁;在隔壁 5. neighborhood [?neib?hud] n. 四邻,街坊;邻近地区,附近 6. shopping plaza 商场,购物广场 小贴士 怎样和喜欢的邻居成为好朋友: 1. host a party 举办一个派对 2. spark up a conversation frequently 经常主动搭话 3. organize a block party 组织一个街区派对 4. generous in giving help 乐于助人 5. do not make loud noise 不要制造噪音 6. do not haggle over every ounce 不要斤斤计较 邻里矛盾很正常 dialogue jerry's new neighbors often hold a party in their house and often play to the late suffers a lot. 杰瑞的新邻居经常在家里举行聚会,玩到深夜。杰瑞深受其害。 karl: hey, jerry. how do yom.MMCzX.Com