02 聚会 公司聚会要参加 dialogue the boss sent an invitation to every employee to a party. but susan is lack of interest about the party. 老板给每个职员都发了聚会请柬,但是苏珊不太想去。 susan: hi, julie. i just received an invitation to a party from our boss. 苏珊:嗨,朱莉。我收到了老板的请柬,他请我们去参加聚会。 julie: i received one, too. 朱莉:我也收到了。 susan: are you going to join the party? 苏珊:你去吗? julie: of course. aren't you? 朱莉:当然。你不去吗? susan: i don't feel much like going there. 苏珊:我不太想去。 julie: why not? it's going to be a nice party at a japanese cuisine restaurant. 朱莉:为什么不去呢?那可是在一家日本料理店的聚会。 susan: i don't like japanese cuisine. besides, i dislike parties. 苏珊:我不喜欢日本料理,而且,我讨厌参加聚会。 julie: even if you don't enjoy parties, you should communicate more with other colleagues. what's more, attendance at the company party is a part of your job. part of the reason for inviting everyone is to build rapport among us in the company. 朱莉:即使你不喜欢参加聚会,你也应该和同事多交流。而且参加聚会也是你的一项工作。举办这次聚会的原因之一就是想在公司里建立融洽的同事关系。 susan: you mean i must attend the party? 苏珊:你的意思是我必须要参加? julie: of course. the boss expects everyone to be there. you may forego the party if you want to risk offending the boss. 朱莉:当然要去。老板希望每个人都要参加。如果你想得罪老板的话你可以不去。 susan: oh, that is to say i have no choice but to go to the party. 苏珊:噢,也就是说我没得选择只能去了。 notes 1. rapport [r?'p?:t] n. 关系;融洽的关系;相关,比例 2. offend [?'fend] v. 冒犯;犯罪;违反 小贴士 聚会上不适合谈论的话题: 1. personnel finance topics 个人财政状况的话题 2. personal health topics 个人健康方面的话题 3. controversial topics 有争议的话题 4. gossip 八卦 聚会上常用的祝酒词: 1. here's to you! 敬您一杯! 2. to your health! 祝你健康! 3. whatever you like! 请随意! 4. i'd like you to raise your glass and join me in a toast to the health of all our friends present here. 请各位举杯并同我一起为在座的所有朋友们的健康干杯! 5. may i propose a toast to our lasting friendship and cooperation. 我提议为我们长久的友谊和合作干杯! 热闹的同学会 dialogue jerrm.mmCZX.cOM