04 享受服务 三千烦恼丝 dialogue maggie looks good with her new hairstyle. her colleague jina asks for maggie to take her to the same salon for a hairdressing. 麦琪的新发型看起来很漂亮。她的同事吉娜请求麦琪带她到同一个沙龙做头发。 baber: welcome to our salon again,madam. 理发师:欢迎您再次光临,女士。 maggie: hi, this is my colleague, jina. she wants to get her hair done. 麦琪:嗨,这是我的同事吉娜。她想到这儿做头发。 baber: hi, jina. welcome. 理发师:嗨,吉娜。欢迎你。 jina: thank you. i'm ready for a new hairdo. my hair is too long. do you have some suggestions? 吉娜:谢谢。我准备换个新发型。我的头发太长了。你有什么建议吗? baber: do you want to keep your hair this long or to take it shorter? 理发师:您的头发要继续留这么长吗?还是要稍微短一点? jina: i'll leave it up to you. you are the expert. 吉娜:你来决定吧。这方面你在行。 baber: ok. i think you would look cute with short hair. that hair style fits you perfectly. your hair seems quite dry, you know. and i see some split ends. they make your hair look even frizzier. 理发师:好的。我认为您剪短头发一定很好看,那个发型很适合你。你的头发看起来挺干的,还有分叉,这让你的头发看起来更毛燥。 jina: yeah, but i don't know what to do about it. 吉娜:是的,但是我也不知道怎么办才好。 baber: well, there are two things you can do. first, don't blow-dry your hair for so long after you shower. let it dry naturally. second,buy a good conditioner and use it regularly. 理发师:你可以用两种方法:第一,洗头后头发不要吹太久,让它自然干。第二,经常使用一些好的润发乳。 jina: do you sell conditioner here? 吉娜:你们这儿卖润发乳吗? baber: sure. i can suggest one for you. 理发师:当然有。我可以向你介绍一种。 jina: great. i would be happy to try it. thank you. 吉娜:太好了,我很乐意试试。谢谢你。 notes 1. salon [s?'l?n] n. 美容院,沙龙;美术展览馆;客厅 2. hairdo ['hdu:] n. 发型(尤指女子) 3. split end 头发裂开的末端 4. frizzy ['frizi] adj. 卷曲的 5. blow-dry ['bl?u?drai] v. 吹干,用吹风机吹干 6. conditioner [k?n'din?] n. 调节器,调节装置;护发素 小贴士 如果符合这9条你就需要换发型了: 1. your hair hasm.mMcZX.cOm