04 人事管理 这次为什么迟到 dialogue judy is late for work this morning. she has to give her executive bob an explanation about it. 朱蒂今天早上迟到了,她不得不向主管鲍勃解释原因。 bob: what made you so late, judy? you have been late for 40 minutes. 鲍勃:朱蒂,你怎么来这么晚?你迟到了40分钟。 judy: i am sorry for being late this morning,bob. 朱蒂:很抱歉我今天迟到了,鲍勃。 bob: judy, that's the second time this week,isn't it? 鲍勃:朱蒂,这是你这星期第二次迟到,是吧? judy: yes. last time my bus was late. and this time the bus comes on the minute, but i hit rush hour traffic. 朱蒂:是的。上次是公共汽车晚点了,这次按时到了,但我遇到了交通高峰期。 bob: you always have a perfect excuse for your late. is it possible for you to take an earlier bus? 鲍勃:你迟到总会有很完美的借口。你能乘早一点的班车吗? judy: i think so. i'm going to do that tomorrow. 朱蒂:可以,我打算明天就那样做。 bob: i am expecting for your good presentation. 鲍勃:我很期待你的良好表现。 judy: all right. 朱蒂:好的。 notes 1. on the minute 准时 2. rush hour traffi 交通高峰 小贴士 几乎每个上班族都有过迟到的经历,据俄罗斯报刊上发表的一项最新社会调查结果显示,13%的上班族每周至少迟到一次,24%的人会每月迟到一次。然而真实的迟到原因要么有些尴尬,要么微不足道。于是,大部分迟到者都会为自己找一个自认为最佳的理由。以下是一些很热门的迟到借口: 1. i got stuck in traffic. 我路上堵车了。 2. i know it might sound lame, but my alarm clock somehow didn't go off this morning. 我知道那可能听起来有点蹩脚,但我的闹钟今天早上不知道怎么搞的没有响。 3. sorry, i overslept this morning. 对不起,我今天早上睡过头了。 4. sorry, i didn't catch the bus. 对不起,我没赶上公共汽车。 5. i was working too late last night so that i couldn't get up on time. 我昨天工作太晚以至于今早没及时起床。 6. i lost my key of my car. 我把车钥匙弄丢了。 7. my car broke down. 我的车抛锚了。 请假休息规矩多 dialogue rudy wants to take a month's leave in january to visit his parents in china. he is discussing with the personnel manager ted about his leave. 鲁迪想在一月份休假一个月去探望在中国的父母。他正同人事部经理特德讨论他的休假。 rudy: morning, ted. 鲁迪:早上好,特德。 tedM.MmcZX.cOM