物短缺的索赔。 词组释义 lodge a claim 提出索赔 09 they do have enough evidences for lodging the claim. 他们确实有足够的证据提出索赔。 单词释义 evidence [?ev?d?ns] n. 证据 10 we are here on the purpose of making a claim of the latest shipment. 我们到这儿是来对最近的一批货提出索赔的。 词组释义 make a claim 提出索赔 11 i'm afraid we couldn't consider your claim as requested for the evidence you provided is inadequate. 恐怕我们不能考虑贵方的索赔要求,因为贵方所提供的索赔证据不充分。 单词释义 inadequate [?nd?kw?t] adj. 不充足的,不适当的 12 we are compelled to reserve the right to lodge a claim against you. 我们不得不保留向贵方提出索赔的权利。 词组释义 be compelled to do 迫不得已去做,不得不去做 13 if your claim against us is reasonable, we'll be sure to settle it according to the contract. 如果贵方向我方的索赔是合理的,我们一定按合同照办。 单词释义 settle [?setl] vt. 解决,安排 vi. 定居,下沉 14 the two parties are working on the claim clause of the latest shipment. 双方正在就最近一批货的索赔条款进行商议。 类似表达 the claim problem of the latest shipment is under negotiation now. note ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________m.MmczX.cOm