lesson 08 压力 pressure 01 breathing deeply can bring some relief from tension. 深呼吸可以缓解压力。 类似表达 breathing deeply can help one relieve stress. / breathing deeply reduces stress. 02 i have been completely weighed down by the working stress. 工作压力快把我压垮了。 类似表达 the working pressure has almost betrayed me. / the working pressure has grinded me up and killed me off. / i have almost bowed down with the working pressure. 03 i'm worn out from the heavy work. 繁重的工作使我精疲力竭。 词组释义 worn out精疲力竭的,破旧不堪的 04 don't let the pressure drive you mad. 不要让压力把你逼疯了。 类似表达 don't let the pressure drive you crazy. 05 doing yoga can ease the pressure from work. 做瑜伽可以缓解工作压力。 单词释义 ease [i:z] vt. 解除痛苦,减轻,延缓 vi. 缓解,减少 06 i usually listen to music to relieve the pressure. 我常常听音乐来缓解压力。 词组释义 relieve the pressure 缓解压力 07 this work is too much for me. 这项工作对我来说太难了。 词组释义 be too much for 太难,超出……能力,非……力所能及 08 i'm going crazy with trying to get all of this finished. 如果要把所有的事做完我会发疯的。 类似表达 i will be crazy with trying to have all of this done. / i am going mad if i have to finish all of this. 09 do you know how to deal with stress? 你知道怎样缓解压力吗? 词组释义 deal with 处理,应对 note ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________M.MMCzx.COm