lesson 09 焦虑 anxiety 01 daniel is quite anxious about his band performance. 丹尼尔很担心他的乐队演出。 词组释义 be anxious about 为……而担忧,焦虑 02 the doctor has been tortured with anxiety. 那个医生为焦虑所苦。 单词释义 torture [?t?:t(r)] vt. 折磨,使苦恼 anxiety [?zat?] n. 忧虑,焦虑 03 dora looks so depressed and over-anxious. 朵拉看起来很压抑而且过分焦虑。 单词释义 depressed [d?'prest] adj. 沮丧的,情绪低落的,萧条的 04 it is obvious that his face is careworn with anxiety. 很明显,他脸上一副焦虑万分的神情。 单词释义 careworn [?ke?w?:n] adj. 忧心忡忡的,忧虑憔悴的 05 anxiety keeps sarah on the rack. 焦虑使得萨拉痛苦万分。 词组释义 on the rack 十分痛苦 06 most of the modern people suffer from different degrees of angst. 大多数现代人都在经受着不同程度的焦虑。 单词释义 angst [st] n. 焦虑,沮丧,担心 07 the singer was agitated for the reason that his flight to paris was two hours late. 那位歌手非常焦虑,因为他飞往巴黎的航班晚点了两个小时。 单词释义 agitate [dte?t] vt. vi. 产生忧虑,搅动,激动 08 there is no cause for anxiety. 不必焦虑。 类似表达 there is no need of your anxiety. 09 robin's chief worry now is that he may be dismissed by his boss. 罗宾现在最大的焦虑是他可能被老板解雇。 单词释义 dismiss [d?s?m?s] vt. 解雇,开除 vi. 解散 10 i think it will make him more anxious. 我想这会加重他的焦虑。 注意事项 表示“加重焦虑”可以用make... more anxious。 note ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________m.MmcZX.Com