lesson 03 忧伤 sadness 01 i feel really sad. 我很难过。 类似表达 i am full of sorrow. / i am dejected. / i am so sorrowful. / i feel really depressed. 02 she is downhearted today. 她今天闷闷不乐。 单词释义 downhearted [?da?n?hɑ:t?d] adj. 灰心丧气的,闷闷不乐的,无精打采的 03 i am consumed by sadness. 我内心很难受。 类似表达 i am laden with grief. / my heart is full of grief. 04 i'm not in the mood. 我心情不太好。 词组释义 be (not) in the mood 心情(不)舒畅 05 she's in tears. 她正在哭。 类似表达 she is crying. / she is weeping away. 06 i am so sorry to hear that. 听到这件事,我很难过。 类似表达 i am terribly sorry about that. / i feel deeply sorry to hear the news. / the news makes me sad. / i have a feeling of deep sorrow to hear that. 07 her face told of the sorrow. 她的脸上满是悲伤。 词组释义 tell of 不言而喻 08 it hurts too much. 太让人伤心了。 类似表达 it is upsetting. 09 i'm cast down. 我有些伤心。 类似表达 i feel a little bit sad. / it makes me a bit sad. 10 my heart was pierced with grief. 我伤透了心。 类似表达 you deeply cut me. / you cut me to the heart. / you badly hurt me. 11 he boohooed after hearing the news. 听到那条消息后,他大哭了起来。 单词释义 boohoo [?bu:hu:] vi.(假装)号哭 n. 忧伤的或假装的哭泣 12 tears pour down like rain. 泪如雨下。 类似表达 tears spout fm.MMCZX.cOm