lesson 05 手术 operations 01 she needs operation right now. 她需要立刻进行手术。 类似表达 we must operate on her right now. / she needs surgery at once. 02 the operation starts at tomorrow afternoon. 手术定在明天下午。 单词释义 operation [pren] n. 手术,操作 03 please sign on the operation agreement before operation. 手术之前请在手术同意书上签字。 单词释义 sign [sa?n] vt. vi. 签名 04 i don't want to have an operation. 我不想做手术。 语法提要 陈述句的否定形式是在助动词后面加not,如:i won't be late again.我不会再迟到了。 05 how long should i stay at the operation room? 我需要在手术室待多长时间? 语法提要 特殊疑问词how long引导特殊疑问句是对时间的提问。如:how long will it take?这要花费多长时间? 06 we will have to operate on her appendicitis. 她必须做阑尾手术。 词组释义 operate on 对……动手术,对……起作用 07 take it easy! we have arranged the best doctor to operate on you. 放心吧!我已经请了最好的医生给你做手术。 单词释义 arrange [re?nd?] vt. 安排,整理,分类 vi. 达成协议,排列,协商 08 you'll get an injection of anesthesia before operation. 手术之前会给你注射麻醉剂。 单词释义 injection [?n?d?ek?n] n. 注射,注射剂 anesthesia [n?s?θi:z] n. 麻木,麻醉 09 please take the patient into the operating room now. 请现在就把病人推进手术室。 词组释义 operating room 外科手术室 10 the operation went smoothly. 手术进展得非常顺利。 类似表达 the operation went on well. / the operation was successful. 11 i have pulled through after the operation. 手术之后我的身体恢复了健康。 词组释义 pull through 恢复健康,度过难关 note ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________M.MMCzx.com