unit 05 健康运动 health and exercise lesson 01 疾病症状 illness 01 what's your trouble? 你哪里不舒服? 类似表达 what's the matter with you? / what's wrong with you? / what's your problem? 02 i have a terrible headache. 我头疼得厉害。 词组释义 have a headache 头疼,头痛 03 susan has a runny nose recently because of cold. 苏珊因为感冒,最近总是流鼻涕。 词组释义 have a runny nose 流鼻涕 04 i have a sore throat. 我喉咙痛。 类似表达 i feel a lot of pain in my throat. / my throat is in great pain. / i suffer from pain in my throat. / my throat is very sore. 05 let me examine your throat first. 让我先检查一下你的喉咙。 单词释义 examine [?g?z?m?n] vt. 检查,考试,审问 vi. 调查,检查 06 i have lost my appetite. 我最近没有什么食欲。 类似表达 i have no appetite. / i don't have any appetite at all. / i suffer from loss of appetite. 07 is there any instructions that i should pay attention to? 我需要注意些什么吗? 类似表达 what should i pay attention to? / do i need pay attention to any instructions? / what should i look out for? 08 don't take the medicine on an empty stomach. 不要空腹吃药。 语法提要 这句话是由doM.MMCzX.CoM