lesson 11 同学关系 classmates 01 how do you get along with your classmates? 你和你的同学们相处得如何? 类似表达 how are you getting on with your classmates? / how do you make out with your classmates? / how is your relationship with your classmates? 02 she gets along well with her classmates. 她和她的同学们相处融洽。 类似表达 she is on good terms with her classmates. / she gets on well with her classmates. 03 what do you think of judy, bob? 鲍勃,你怎么看朱蒂? 注意事项 what do you think of...? 用来询问对方对某事物的看法如何,可以和how do you like...? 进行互换。 04 clare is said to be the most intelligent student in the class. 据说克莱尔是班上最聪明的学生。 类似表达 it is said that clare is the most intelligent student in the class. 05 she is an open person, so her classmates all like her very much. 她性格开朗,所以同学们都很喜欢她。 类似表达 she is a student of cheerful temper, so all her classmates are fond of her. 06 lucy is not only hard-working but also very well-mannered. 露西不仅学习刻苦,而且很有礼貌。 单词释义 well-mannered ['wel'm?n?d] adj. 举止得当的,有礼貌的 07 she had a nature that she can quickly win the friendship with her classmates. 她具有一种能快速地获得同学们的友谊的天性。 单词释义 nature [?ne?t(r)] n. 天性,本性,自然 08 lily is immensely popular with her classmates. 莉莉深受同学的欢迎。 语法提要 immensely 在这里做程度副词,在此句中用来修饰形容词popular, 除此之外,副词还可以用来修饰动词。 09 we need to establish rapport with other students. 我们需要和其他同学建立良好的关系。 单词释义 rapport [rp?:(r)] n. 友好关系,和谐,融洽 10 jenney shares everything with her desk mm.mmCZx.cOM