r washing to the laundry. 他们已经把要洗的衣服送去洗衣店了。 语法提要 这是一个现在完成时的句子,表示到现在为止动作已经完成,take的过去分词是taken。washing是动词wash的现在分词,也可以作名词,表示“正在洗或待洗的衣服,洗涤剂”。 12 please tell us or notify in the list whether you need your clothes ironed or not. 请告诉我们或在洗衣单上注明您的衣服是否需要熨烫。 词组释义 whether... or not 是否…… 13 would you like express service or same-day? 您是要快洗服务还是当日取? 类似表达 do you want express service or same-day service? 14 is there a laundromat nearby? 附近有没有自助洗衣店? 单词释义 laundromat ['l?:ndr?m?t] n. 自助洗衣店,自助洗衣场所 15 you can send this expensive coat to the cleaners to have a dry cleaning. 你可以把这件昂贵的大衣送到洗衣店去干洗。 类似表达 you could send this expensive coat to the laundry to be dry-cleaned. / you may send this expensive coat to the laundry to have a dry cleaning. 16 send this coat to the laundry and do remember to tell them not to use bleacher. 把这件大衣送到洗衣店去,一定记得告诉他们不要用漂白剂。 语法提要 这是一个祈使句,send...to...表示“把……送到某处”,do可以作实义动词,也可以作助动词,在这个句子里,do作助动词用来加强语气,bleacher是动词bleach的衍生词汇,意为“漂白剂”。 17 since you can't find your laundry form, you must show your identity card. 既然您找不到洗衣单,那么您须出示身份证。 类似表达 please show me your id card since you can't find your laundry form. note ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________m.mmcZX.cOM