lesson 06 服装服饰 clothes 01 lydia always dresses up gracefully. 莉迪亚穿衣打扮一直很优雅。 单词释义 gracefully ['gre?sf?l?] adv. 优雅地,优美地 02 i want to get a new dress. 我想买一条新裙子。 类似表达 i'd like to buy a new dress. / i want to get a new skirt. / i'd like to get a new frock. 03 you look slender in this frock. 你穿这条连衣裙看起来很苗条。 单词释义 slender [?slend?(r)] adj. 苗条的,修长的 frock [fr?k] n. 连衣裙,女装,僧袍 04 how do you like this overcoat, miss? 小姐,您觉得这件大衣怎么样? 类似表达 what do you think of this overcoat, lady? / how about this topcoat, miss? 05 i don't think it matches your shirt in color. 我觉得它和你衬衫的颜色不配。 语法提要 在英语表达中,i think后接从句表达观点时,若从句中含有否定意味,则需将否定前移为i don't think。在这个句子中i don't think后省略了引导词that。 06 shall i have to wear evening dress for this banquet? 我是不是必须穿晚礼服去参加宴会? 单词释义 banquet [?bkw?t] n. 宴会,盛宴 vt. 参加宴会,宴请 vi. 参加宴会 07 this kind of material has been treated by means of a new technology, so it is colorfast. 这种面料是用新工艺处理过的,不会褪色。 词组释义 by means of用……,凭借……,通过…… 08 which color do you think suits me best? 你觉得哪种颜色最适合我? 语法提要 在这个句子里,which用于疑问句中表示“哪个”,do you think作插入语,best是形容词good和well的最高级,表示“最好的”,在这里做副词修饰动词suit,表示“最适合”。 09 which is the best-selling style? 哪一个款式卖得最好? 注意事项 这句话常常用于消费者在购物之前,询问销售人员在同类产品中哪个款式卖得比较好,以作参照。 10 do you have this suit in stock? 这款套装还有存货吗? 类似表达 is there any of this suit in stock?m.MmCzx.CoM