of silence less dreams i walked alone narrow streets of e he halo of a streetlamp i turned my collar to the d damp wheabbed by the flash of a that split the night ahe sound of silence and i i saw housand people, maybe more alking without speaking pe without listening ing songs that voiever share no one dare disturb the sound of silence fools said i, you do not know silence like a cer grows hear my words that i might teach you take my arms that i might reach you but my words like silent raindrops fell ahe wells of silence and the people borayed to the hey made and the sigs warning ihat it was f and the sign said the words of the prophets en on the subway walls a halls ahe sounds of silence 夏冉江低声唱着,声音轻柔却清晰。每个词从声带中婉转流出,声波在空气中震荡,空气分子此时似乎成为透明的墨水,随着声音不断凝结成游走的痕迹,又随着清风湮灭成泡沫飘散难寻踪影。湖边小路虽然坐满了人,但是此刻却只能听到草丛里小虫子发出的吱吱声,湖面不时有小鱼窜出,湖面昏黄的倒影顿时碎裂成一片,荡起层层涟漪,撞上湖岸的芦苇又扩散成更细碎的波纹。 一曲唱完,时间仿佛停止。过了几秒,人群中突然想起热烈的掌声和口哨声,远处女生几乎都能听到一阵阵尖叫。 不错嘛,想不到你们这帮学生还藏龙卧虎啊。教官满意地点点头。忽然想起什么,转身朝着那边的女生喊道:刘教官,要不要打个擂啊? 不可否认刚才那位同学唱得不错,但是真正的歌王可是我们女生连。刘教官站起身,扬起下巴拍了拍胸口,大家说是不是啊? 底下女生一阵应和。 那好啊,今晚咱们就算务虚了,刚才男生当仁不让领了个头,现在你们女生来一个。女生连,来一个! 女生连,来一个!女生连,来一个! 男生突然振奋了起来,喊声震天,比白天喊口号还要响亮,尽管不少人嗓子已经哑了喊不出多大声音。 来就来。刘教官比了个ok的手势,转身面对分列成六排的女生,有谁自告奋勇? 我来! 教官话音刚落,第二排中间一个女生站了起来,其他女生纷纷鼓掌。 俞青好样的,给他们看看女生的厉害! 那个叫俞青的女生M.MMczX.COM